Exercise: Tungsten and Florescent Lighting

For this exercise, you had to find a room fairly lit by tungsten lights. If you have fluorescent lamps, turn them off. Wait until just after sunset, when there is only a little daylight left. With the curtains open, stand close to the window and look out for one minute, until your eyes become adjusted. Turn and look at the room light. Note what colour it seems to be the first instant you see it. When your eyes have adjusted to the room light. Quickly look out of the window once more. Note what colour the daylight seems to be.

You then had to measure the light level in the room with your cameras meter. Take several readings in different parts of the room, including close to the lamp and one in the darkest corner.

Compose a photograph in which both the interior lit by tungsten lamps and the exterior at dusk are both visible. Wait until the light levels inside and outside are approximately equal, and take three photographs, as follows: With the white balance set to auto, With the white balance set to daylight, With the white balance set to tungsten. Compare the results. What differences do you see.

For the second part of the exercise, you were asked to find two different interiors which are lit by fluorescent lamps. If at possible, try and find one interior which is lit by small CFL lamps.

Take two images of each room. One with white balance set to auto, and the other set to Fluorescent.

Part One:

After looking out the window for a while, and then turning back round into the room which were lit by tungsten lights, I noticed that the colour in the room was a orange/yellow colour. I then let my eyes adjust to the tungsten lighting, before then looking out the window. I noticed that the colour was a strong white with a hint of a blue colour tone to it.

I took several meter readings. The required ISO was 200 which I then set. I opened up the aperture to f/4. 5 . After reading the meter readings around the room, I set the shutter speed to 1/10

White Balance: Auto

Auto wb

White Balance: Daylight

daylight wb

White Balance: Tungsten


White Balance: Fluorescent White

white fluorescent

Differences: The closets match to how the colours in the room are in real life, would have to be the image taken with the WB set to tungsten. The white balance set to Auto and Daylight, seem to be similar in both photographs.

Part Two:

One interior lit by CFL lights. I used the same room and just changed the light bulb from a tungsten bulb to a fluorescent bulb.

White Balance: Auto


White Balance: Daylight


White Balance: Tungsten


White Balance: White Fluorescent



The white balance set to Auto and Daylight, seem to be similar in both photographs. However, the white balance set to White Fluorescent seems to be more realistic than any of the others. The colours in the room are near enough the same colour in the White Fluorescent WB photograph.

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