Exercise: Symbols

The most obvious symbols, those that spring to mind first, are often so well used, that they are hackneyed. However, it is often possible to overcome the most well worn symbol by treating it in an original or interesting way.

The idea of this exercise, is to find symbols forĀ a number of concepts. Complete it by listing more than one symbol for each of the following subjects, and add a short note saying how you might use them in a photograph. You do not need to take any photographs for this.

The subjects are:


Plants, Seeds, Children, Hair, Nails, Ruler, Measuring tape, Companies


Food, Body weight, Alcohol, Skin, Hair,


Knives, Hoodies, Guns, Burglar, Broken objects, Graves, Police


Sadness, Tears, Crying, Empty rooms, Books, Library, Mediation, Church, Prayer, Gliding


Homeless, Starving, Unclean, Hunger, Death, Sadness