Exercise: Higher and Lower Sensitivity

For this exercise, you were asked to take similar kind of photographs to the previous exercise.

You were asked to take at least 12 photographs for this exercise.

Choose a situation which is marginal, where the mixture of light level and subject movement or depth of field is only just possible , for instance, a busy street market on an overcast day.

Shoot first at normal iso, then change to higher sensitivity. Did the change make shooting easier ? In particular, were there photographs that you could not take successfully at the lower  iso but were possible at a higher one?  Compare the images, and note the difference in texture and details within the image.


Iso 200, F/7.1, 1/500Sec


ISO 1600, F/7.1, 1/4000Sec


I used a tripod to take the photograph of the flowers. Using a higher ISO didn’t have any noticeable change in the photograph. All I can see are some of the details on the leafs becoming a tiny bit more defined with a higher ISO.


Iso 200, F/7.1, 1/60Sec


Iso 1600, F/7.1, 1/500Sec


I also used a tripod for this photograph. As with the previous image, there is no noticeable change in the image. There is a slight difference between colour. The lower ISO image is slightly lighter.


Iso 200, F/7.1, 1/500Sec


Iso 1600, F/7.1, 1/3200Sec


I used a tripod for these photographs. However, the tree was blowing in the wind, so I had to catch it as quickly as I could. When I zoomed in onto the image with a higher ISO, I could see that there was a lot of noise on the image. In my opinion, the image with a lower ISO is better out of the two. I find it more clearer.


Iso 200, F/5.6, 1/250Sec


Iso 1600, F/5.6, 1/1600Sec


I didn’t use a tripod for these images, and you can tell the difference between the ones taken with a tripod, and the ones taken without. The image taken with a low ISO, is not that clear, is blurred in some parts and shows camera shake. However, the image taken with the higher ISO, is much more defined, a lot clearer, which shows that using a high ISO with a faster shutter speed allows you to take clear photographs especially if you are not using a tripod.


Iso 200, F/6.3, 1/15Sec


Iso 1600, F/6.3, 1/125Sec


I didn’t use a tripod for these images, and you can tell the difference between the ones taken with a tripod, and the ones taken without. The image taken with a low ISO, is not that clear, is blurred in some parts and shows camera shake. However, the image taken with the higher ISO, is much more defined, a lot clearer, which shows that using a high ISO with a faster shutter speed allows you to take clear photographs especially if you are not using a tripod.


Iso 100, F/5.6, 1/125Sec


Iso 800, F/5.6,  1/160Sec


I used a tripod to take the photograph of the flower. I decided to use an ISO of 100 to begin with then changed it to an ISO of 800. The image taken with the low ISO is a lot better than the image with a high ISO. The higher ISO image is way to bright. The darker image shows a lot more detail on the flower head, whilst having a blurred base, but the image taken with a high ISO, isn’t much better either. I should have tried this with an ISO of 200 then perhaps 400 as it may not have been as bright as the 800ISO image.