Exericse: Softening the Light

Set up a still life arrangement. Use a tripod for this exercise. Face the camera so it is aimed at a slight angle downwards. Fix or hold a naked lamp more or less overhear, pointing down onto your object.

Using a diffused light source to soften the shadows and highlights, take two photographs. One with just the naked lamp, and the other with a translucent material held between the lamp and the subject but not in the shot.

There will be two different exposure settings, look at the results and note down exactly what you see as the differences and the two exposures.

I used a figurine which I stood on a table against the wall. I stood my tripod directly in front of the table. I then asked someone to hold the lamp above the model for me.

Naked Lamp:


F/4.5 , 1/20, ISO 200

I have this translucent material which I asked to be held up in front of the lamp.


With Diffuser:


F/4.5 , 1/8 , ISO 200


The shadows in the first image are very dark (Black) almost. The highlights and shadows on the subject are very strong and defined.

The second image however has no shadow, the highlights and shadows on the subject are less noticeable. However the image overall is better than the first.

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