Black and White

Composing images without colour, as in all Black and White photography, calls for a different sensibility. It involves training your eyes not to be influenced by the colours in the scenes, and paying more attention to the structure in a composition, the form of things defined by line, shape and volume.


Black and white photography is becoming more popular with the help of digital photography. It is a step from reality. With the use of lighting, shapes and shadows, you are able experiment with your images.  Through the lack of colour, black and white photography enables you to add emotion and depth to an image.



With desaturation, you are able to convert your colour photograph, into a black and white photograph with the help of many processing programmes such as Photoshop etc. You are able to go back to your images and change them however you want. If you were to take photographs using a 35mm black and white film, you would be unable to change any of the lighting etc.




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