Exercise Cropping and Extending.

For this exercise, you had to choose 3 of your own photographs which you had taken. You were asked to choose a different subject for each image.

You had to crop a section of the photograph and add a brief not of the logic behind your choice of cropping

Photograph One:

With this image, I decided to focus mainly on the berry with the piece of string attached to it. I decided to crop it horizontally as I wanted to see it more clearly and the up close detail.

Second Photograph:

With this image, I wanted to focus in more on her facial area and include as much detail on the cards. I wanted to produce some sort of portrait. I decided to crop it vertical rather than horizontal as I only wanted her top half in the frame.

Third Photograph:

With this image, I wanted to focus in mainly on the watch which was hanging over the mirror at the back. I liked the effect of it hanging off centre, and wanted to capture the detail on the watch face.

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