Beginning The Art Of Photography Course

I recieved my parcel containing my OCA Course pack on 10th June 2012. I was really excited to open it and see what kind of work I would be set to do for my course. I have recently completed my 2 year A-Level course in which I studied Photography. I enjoyed the course a lot whilst I studied it as an A-Level and realised that I would want to continue my studies in Photography and hopefully continue with a career in the Photography business.
I applied for the OCA BA Hons Degree course after reading through the feedback about it on their website. I wanted a course which would teach me new techniques and would test the knowledge I already have about Photography. I want to feel more confident when taking photographs and be able to have a better understanding of how the technical side of a camera can alter or enhance your images. I want to complete the full BA Hons Degree so I will be able to use it for a career in either Forensic/Crime scene Photography or Photography in the Royal Air Force.

I don’t currently belong to any camera clubs, however, I know there are a few in my area, and I will be contacting a few of them to see if I can join. I’m hoping they would also be able to help me with any queries or doubts I may have with any of my Photography work.

The only down side at the moment is that I don’t own a DSLR camera. I only have a Fujifilm Finepix S2950. It does have the same settings as a DSLR which is really useful and the photographs I have taken before have come out fantastic, However I have noticed that some of the manual controls such as setting my aperture only have a limited choice. This is somewhat of a problem especially as I need it for some of the projects. I do own multiple 35mm film cameras and a small point and shoot digital camera.

I will begin my OCA Learning log/Blog with the first set of projects and the first assignment which is Photography 1: The Art Of Photography.

Thanks for reading.

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